20 March 2009

Economic Crisis Panel Discussion

The Public Services and Social Science Division in collaboration with the Business Society discussed the nation's current fiscal situation. The symposium titled "When Work Disappears: An Assessment of the American Economic Crisis" covered a variety of important topics. Each panelist shared researched information about issues central to the current fiscal situation. Bill Walsh, Congressman Joe Sestak's District Manager, discussed the political implications of what got us into the economic mess. Professor Jeff Salavitabar discussed the $700 billion from last year that was earmarked primarily for the banking and finance sectors of the economy. Professor Charles Baker discussed banks and financial institutions being "To BiG to Fail" in the global economy, HItler's rise to power due to the Great Depression and how WWII led to the development of an economic system that is integrated globally. Professor Ali Ataiifar discussed the $787 billion bailout that goes to healthcare, education, construction and other projects designed to sure up American schools, access to medical care and the crumbling infrastructure. Lastly, Basil Gordon discussed what the local community can expect from the recent bailout. The feedback and responses from the community were positive and well received.

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